“With robotic cardiac ablation, I have a safer approach to patient care, with greater accuracy than the human hand.”

Stay updated on material news from Stereotaxis. Access press releases, stock updates, and other investor information.
Mass Device
November 8, 2024
Physicians at the University of Kansas Health System have successfully treated the first patients using the advanced Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) System from Stereotaxis.
Mass Device
November 1, 2024
Dr. Burkhard Hügl ist ein herausragender Experte für die Behandlung von Herzrhythmusstörungen. Mittlerweile wurden in der kardiologischen Abteilung mehr als 3.000 Ablationen mit dem hochmodernen „Robotische Magnetische Navigationssystem“ von Stereotaxis im Marienhaus Klinikum St. Elisabeth Neuwied durchgeführt.
Mass Device
August 14, 2024
The GenesisX system is the latest iteration of Stereotaxis’ Genesis robotic magnetic navigation (RMN) system. It builds upon the company’s technology while reducing the complexities and barriers to hospital adoption.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
June 19, 2024
Stereotaxis has now received its updated EU Quality Management System Certificate. This certificate shows that the Stereotaxis Quality System is in accordance with MDR and that Stereotaxis’ products now have a valid CE Mark under MDR. This MDR certification will support regulatory clearances of upcoming innovations.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
May 30, 2024
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, renowned for advanced clinical research, innovation, and compassionate patient care, stands at the forefront as the first in the Northeast United States to offer the Genesis System.
EP Lab Digest
May 24, 2024
Hospital Santa Maria della Pietà, in Nola in the Metropolitan City of Naples, has established the first robotic cardiac heart program in Southern Italy.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
May 21, 2024
Stereotaxis will present an innovative proposal leveraging advanced robotic technology and telerobotic presence to sustainably offer high-quality cardiac ablation therapy in underserved regions of Africa.
La Repubblica
May 17, 2024
All’ospedale Santa Maria della Pietà di Nola parte il primo programma di Cardiologia robotica. La struttura è già conosciuta come unica in Italia per trattamenti avanzati per i pazienti affetti da disturbi del ritmo cardiaco.
St. Louis Business Journal
May 13, 2024
The St. Louis company said it has entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire a Rogers, Minnesota-based developer and manufacturer of catheters used in heart procedures.
KUTV2 CBS Salt Lake City
March 31, 2024
Heart doctors at Intermountain Medical Center are among the first in the world – and the first in Utah – to use the Stereotaxis Genesis robotic system to perform cardiac ablation, a common minimally invasive procedure to treat patients suffering from arrhythmias.
Cardiac Rhythm News
March 8, 2024
The first human procedures with the MAGiC catheter commenced earlier this year as part of a prospective multicentre clinical study. Initial results during the first 20 procedures were submitted for publication, with the authors documenting 100% acute efficacy and no adverse events.
EP Lab Digest
January 8, 2024
The first human procedures using the MAGiC catheter were successfully performed by Prof. Germanas Marinskis and Assoc. Prof. Gediminas Račkauskas at Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos in Lithuania. Data from the clinical trial will support the CE Mark submission of MAGiC.
ABC 36 Lexington
November 28, 2023
Electrophysiologists at Baptist Health Lexington were the first globally to pioneer clinical use of Robotic Magnetic Navigation for the treatment of patients in 2003. With the unveiling of the Genesis System, Baptist Health Lexington has become the first in Kentucky, and one of the first in the world, to provide the latest advancement in robotic technology to treat cardiac arrhythmias.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
November 7, 2023
The integration of Abbott’s leading cardiac mapping system and Stereotaxis’ advanced robotic technology, first announced at Heart Rhythm 2023, combines highly detailed real-time diagnostic information with the unprecedented precision and stability of robotics during therapy delivery. The first integrated procedures in the US were completed by physicians at Weill Cornell Medical Center, Mount Sinai Morningside, Banner University Medical Center Phoenix, and Overland Park Regional Medical Center.
Fox 4 Kansas City
September 22, 2023
By; Shannon Rousseau
An Overland Park hospital claims to have something no other hospital does: two robots that can perform cardiac ablations. Bill Kellogg, an electrophysiology clinician and patient at Overland Park Regional Medical Center (OPRMC), was one of the first people treated in the brand-new heart rhythm care lab at OPRMC. Today, Mr. Kellogg is arrhythmia-free and uses his experience to connect with the patients he cares for to put them at ease before their procedures.
Cardiac Rhythm News
September 13, 2023
Physicians at Heart Centre Rigshospitalet of Copenhagen University Hospital successfully treated the first patients using Stereotaxis’ Genesis robotic magnetic navigation system. Rigshospitalet is among the first in Europe, and the only hospital in Denmark, to offer the Genesis system to patients.
EP Lab Digest
August 30, 2023
Physicians at Overland Park Regional Medical Center (OPRMC) launched and successfully completed the first procedures using the advanced Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) System. OPRMC is the only hospital in the U.S. to offer two Stereotaxis Robotic Magnetic Navigation systems for patients receiving minimally invasive cardiac ablation procedures.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
August 17, 2023
APHRS and the Society for Cardiac Robotic Navigation will host a joint session on September 2, 2023, during the APHRS annual congress. The joint session includes demonstrations of the unique capabilities and clinical value of Stereotaxis’ robotic technology.
Cardiac Rhythm News
July 19, 2023
Physicians from two European hospitals have successfully treated the first patients using the combined benefits of Abbott’s EnSite X EP system and Stereotaxis’ robotic magnetic navigation system.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
May 24, 2023
The combination of Abbott’s leading cardiac mapping system with Stereotaxis’ advanced robotic technology brings together highly detailed real-time diagnostic information with the unprecedented precision and stability of robotics during therapy delivery.
EP Lab Digest
May 23, 2023
Stereotaxis, the global leader in robotic technologies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, today announced the first treatment of patients with a newly launched Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) system at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois.
Cardiac Rhythm News
April 14, 2023
Genesis RMN, was first used in late 2020 following regulatory clearances in the USA and Europe. Since then, physicians at eight global hospitals have treated over 1,000 patients using Genesis RMN. Additional hospitals are in the process of installing the technology with a total of nearly two dozen robotic systems ordered
Cardiac Rhythm News
March 23, 2023
Stereotaxis has announced the opening of a new robotic electrophysiology programme at Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, USA. Broward Health is among the first in the nation, and the first in Florida, to offer the latest Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation System to treat heart rhythm disorders.
EP Lab Digest
December 20, 2022
Electrophysiologists at Corewell Health have established a successful robotic cardiac ablation program treating nearly 500 patients using advanced robotic technology. The hospital is now among the first in the world, and the first in Michigan, to offer the latest in RMN technology with the Genesis system.
La Gazette de Monaco
November 24, 2022
His Royal Highness, Prince Albert of Monaco, was present at Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace to inaugurate the new robotic navigation room for the treatment of heart rhythm disorders and to be presented with the labeling of the cardiology department as a European Center of Excellence in the treatment of arterial hypertension.
Inside Tucson Business
November 18, 2022
Tucson Medical Center celebrates a significant milestone of Dr. Darren Peress, a cardiologist and clinical cardiac electrophysiologist at Pima Heart & Vascular, for successfully treating more than 1,500 patients who were challenged by an irregular heartbeat with the help of robotics for cardiac ablation.
November 10, 2022
By: Chris Newmarker
After the Q3 investor call, investors reacted positively to a list of news from the surgical robotics company.
Manufacturing in Focus
November 2022
By: Allison Dempsey
With the goal of developing and providing cutting edge surgical robotics that improve minimally invasive endovascular intervention, St. Louis, Missouri-based Stereotaxis Inc. is a pioneering company and leading authority.
October 11, 2022
Dr. Burkhard Hügl, Chief Physician at the Clinic for Cardiology and Rhythmology at the Marienhaus Klinikum St. Elisabeth, already use the robotic magnetic navigation system from Stereotaxis. The clinic now celebrated the doctor, the device from the US manufacturer, and itself for this success.
STT Viestintäpalvelut Oy
October 3, 2022
Oulu University Hospital has an exceptional amount of expertise and experience in magnetic navigation treatment of serious cardiac arrhythmias, and the number of procedures is also significant worldwide.
EP Lab Digest
September 14, 2022
OPRMC is now among the first in the nation to adopt the Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation system, the latest advance in robotic technology and will become the first hospital in the U.S. to double its capacity for robotic cardiac ablation with two Stereotaxis systems for patients receiving minimally invasive cardiac ablation procedures.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
August 5, 2022
Stereotaxis announced the significant enhancement of its commercial leadership team with the successful recruitment of two veterans of the medical device, surgical robotics and electrophysiology fields.
St. Louis Business Journal
July 20, 2022
By: Nathan Rubbelke
David Fischel initially took no salary after agreeing to lead a St. Louis maker of robotic systems used to treat heart arrhythmia. Now, his compensation plan models one utilized by Elon Musk, a rarity that could boost the company — but also carries risks.
July 14, 2022
The St. Louis, MO-based company said is seeking a CE mark for its MAGiC catheter for minimally invasive cardiac ablation procedures. Used in conjunction with the company’s robotic systems, the catheter is designed to provide precision, stability, and flexibility when diagnosing and treating cardiac arrhythmias.
EP Lab Digest
June 6, 2022
The Journal of Atrial Fibrillation & Electrophysiology (JAFIB-EP) published a special issue on the use of Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. The Robotics Special Issue was published in collaboration with the Society for Cardiac Robotic Navigation and includes 16 peer-reviewed publications that document the clinical value of Robotic Magnetic Navigation, new technologies, and refined workflows across a broad spectrum of cardiac arrhythmias.
Cardiac Rhythm News
March 25, 2022
Stereotaxis has announced that Poland’s National Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw has established the first robotic electrophysiology programme in the country with Stereotaxis’ Genesis robotic magnetic navigation (RMN) system. The National Institute of Cardiology is the only hospital in Poland offering advanced robotic technology to improve the minimally invasive treatment of heart arrhythmias.
FOX61 News
March 24, 2022
By: Tim Lammers
Kerri Powers is a Stereotaxis success story. Dr. Joseph Dell’Orfano at St. Francis Hospital performed a cardiac catheter ablation to treat Kerri Powers. This procedure removes defective heart tissue that causes arrhythmias. It’s a safe procedure, but could always be safer. Stereotaxis uses a flexible wire, guided by magnets, which can allow for millimeter precision.
St. Louis Public Radio
March 9, 2022
By: Alex Heuer
Five years ago, St. Louis-based Stereotaxis was nearly $20 million in debt. The future of the company was in doubt. Now, the company is out of debt, has $40 million in cash and is back on the New York Stock Exchange after being delisted by Nasdaq. And, with Missouri Gov. Mike Parson in attendance, the medical device company today opened its new headquarters in downtown St. Louis. Stereotaxis now occupies 43,000 square feet in the Globe Building…
EP Lab Digest
March 4, 2022
Denmark’s only robotic cardiac electrophysiology team at The Heart Centre Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital is recognized for leading the world in treating the most heart rhythm patients using advanced robotic cardiac ablation technology. They have successfully completed more than 5000 robotic cardiac ablation procedures using Denmark’s only robotic system for the treatment of heart rhythm disorders.
Medical Product Outsourcing
Feb 1, 2022
By: Sean Fenske
In this episode of Medtech Matters, David Fischel, CEO of Stereotaxis explains how his robotic surgical system works and what makes it unique from other systems on the market. He also speaks about the additional benefits that could be realized for interventional technology as a result of his system’s ability to “pull” the catheter through the patient’s vasculature.
Cardiac Rhythm News
Dec 10, 2021
Stereotaxis has announced the publication of the results of a prospective, multicentre study comparing the incidence of silent cerebral embolism (SCE) in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients undergoing robotic cardiac ablation or manual in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine.
Вести Новосибирск
Dec 1, 2021
By: Tatyana Monoenko
The Meshalkin Center in Novosibirsk Russia, one of the large federal clinics in Russia, celebrates in 1000 procedure performed with the help of advanced robotic technology.
Robotics 24/7
Oct 22, 2021
Stereotaxis Inc.’s Robotic Magnetic Navigation technology is designed to improve precision and safety, as well as to provide integrated procedural information. The St. Louis, Mo.-based company said its Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) technology has been used to treat more than 140,000 patients around the world.
Yahoo Finance
Oct 18, 2021
Stereotaxis announces installation of its Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) system at Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco, a leading center of research and training for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
Cardiac Rhythm News
Oct 14, 2021
The 223-patient study, conducted at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, compared Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) guided cardiac ablation to manual radiofrequency (RF) ablation and manual cryoablation in paediatric patients with atrioventricular reentry tachycardia (AVRT) and atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT).
Oct 4, 2021
In this DeviceTalks Weekly podcast Dr. Dan Cooper, associate professor at Washington University School of Medicine, and David Fischel, Stereotaxis CEO, discuss the power of Robotic EP and how it can help improve interventional procedures.
Cardiac Rhythm News
Sept 27, 2021
Dr. Benjamin D’Souza, assistant professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, cardiac electrophysiologist at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia, USA, discusses the recent developments in robotics in the electrophysiology (EP) lab and reflects on his path from skepticism to adoption.
St. Louis Business Journal
Aug 31, 2021
By: Nathan Rubbelke
Stereotaxis has formed a strategic relationship with medical device firm Shanghai Microport EP Medtech Co. Ltd., a move that comes as Stereotaxis says China is becoming a new “geographic pillar” for its commercial efforts.
Yahoo Finance
July 26, 2021
Stereotaxis, the global leader in innovative robotic technologies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, announced the appointment of Myriam J. Curet, M.D., to its Board of Directors.
Medtech Strategist
June 1, 2021
By: David Cassak
A pioneer in endovascular robotics, Stereotaxis hit a wall just over a decade ago and was near extinction soon after. Now, with a new CEO in place, is the company finally poised to realize the potential of its technology?
Hospital Partenaire
May 4, 2021
Stereotaxis CEO, David Fischel discusses how robotics, innovation, & digitization of surgery is changing the way electrophysiologists treat patients.
La Provincia
April 30, 2021
Doctor Sagone, from the hospital in Erba, Italy, simulated an operation in St. Louis, Missouri, thousands of kilometers and an ocean away.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology
April 07, 2021
Stereotaxis announced that Broward Health Medical Center is establishing a robotic electrophysiology (EP) program to expand access to advanced minimally-invasive treatment of heart rhythm disorders in Florida.
St. Louis Business Journal
February 26, 2021
By: Nathan Rubbelke
The Cortex-based medical device company said its newly announced CEO stock award package was “inspired” by electric vehicle maker Tesla, which offered a similar award package to its CEO, Elon Musk.
Medical Design and Outsourcing
February 23, 2021
By: Chris Newmarker
Stereotaxis named among top robotics companies playing an important role in the robot-assisted surgery space.
“This technology allows us to positively address the increasing number of patients with complex arrhythmias. In addition, it provides us a competitive advantage to other Nordic centers concerning education and learning,” said Antti Vento, medical director of the Helsinki Heart and Lung Center.
December 9, 2020
In this episode of the Raise the Line podcast series, “Less Mechanics, More Thinking”, David Fischel, CEO of Stereotaxis and Shiv Gaglani, host and CEO of Osmosis, discuss the role of robotic medical devices in reducing the role of the surgeon as a “mechanic’ and enhancing their role as a strategist, thinker and designer of the therapy, which is best for each patient.
October 23, 2020
Stereotaxis’ new Genesis robot system is smaller, more powerful and faster than the previous generation equipment.
“This is a significant advantage compared to the past,” says Pekka Raatikainen, Chief Physician of Rhythmic Cardiology at the Husin Heart and Lung Center, in a press release.
EP Lab Digest
September 14, 2020
Stereotaxis, the global leader in innovative robotic technologies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, announced it has completed installations of the world’s first Genesis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) systems to treat heart rhythm disorders at Helsinki University Hospital in Finland and Banner – University Medicine Heart Institute in Phoenix, Arizona.
Regulatory Focus
September 13, 2020
By: Mary Ellen Schneider
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned daily life upside down around the globe and presented unique challenges for regulatory affairs professionals. In the kickoff plenary session of RAPS 2020 Convergence, regulatory experts and business leaders shared how they have coped with the unprecedented disruption and offered insights about how the pandemic may be accelerating industry-wide changes.
Shore News Network
September 1, 2020
The Electrophysiology Team at Deborah Heart and Lung Center was awarded a specialty recognition plaque by Bryan Pohlman, Senior Director, Sales, at Stereotaxis, for the celebration milestone of Deborah performing 2,000 cardiac arrhythmia procedures with the Stereotaxis Robotic Magnetic Navigation System.
Cardiac Rhythm News
August 5, 2020
Stereotaxis and Acutus Medical have announced the first integrated cardiac ablation procedure using remote TeleRobotic support. Gery Tomassoni of Baptist Health, Lexington, USA treated the patient utilizing integrated Stereotaxis Robotic Magnetic Navigation and Acutus AcQMap systems supported by technical and clinical experts from each company using proprietary connectivity technology.
Cardiac Rhythm News
July 14, 2020
Stereotaxis has announced the publication of a paper in the European Heart Journal highlighting the benefits of using robotic technology for the management of ventricular tachycardia storm in a COVID-19 patient. The publication concludes that catheter ablation “should be performed preferably with a remote navigation system in order to minimise the infectious risk of the staff of the electrophysiology laboratory”.
July 06, 2020
By: Heather R. Johnson
Telemedicine has emerged as a safe, effective alternative to in-person doctor-patient visits. Can telerobotic surgery follow suit?
Seeking Alpha
June 22, 2020
By: Pranav Ghumatkar, SA News Editor
Stereotaxis (STXS) will be added to the Russell 2000 and Russell 3000 Indexes, effective after the U.S. stock market closes on Friday, June 26, 2020.
Robotics Tomorrow
June 11, 2020
Stereotaxis (NYSE: STXS), the global leader in innovative robotic technologies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, today announced the hosting of an Inaugural Symposium on Saturday, June 20, 2020 by live interactive webcast.
June 5, 2020
A highly skilled team of cardiac electrophysiologists at Mission Hospital have become the leading providers of robotic cardiac ablation treatment in Southern California. Mission Hospital celebrates the significant milestone of Dr. Aseem Desai, Dr. Stephen Ehrlich, Dr. Lynne Hung, and Dr. Jay Tiongson with the successful completion of 1,000 robotic cardiac ablation procedures using Orange County’s only robotic system for the treatment of heart rhythm disorders.
Robotics & Automation News
June 2, 2020
Stereotaxis, a developer of robotic technologies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, says it has reached a significant milestone of over 400 scientific publications now documenting the clinical benefits of Stereotaxis robotic technology.
A complete, searchable database of all publications is available on the company’s website, at this link.
KSDK Business Journal
May 27, 2020
St. Louis-based surgical instrument maker Stereotaxis said Tuesday it has entered into a securities purchase agreement with a healthcare investment firm for a $15 million common stock financing.
Stereotaxis, which develops robotic technologies designed for the treatment of arrhythmias and to perform endovascular procedures, reached the agreement with funds of New York-based Consonance Capital. The financing includes 3.66 million shares of registered common stock, which is priced at $4.10 per share.
Career Diaries by Elemed
May 18, 2020
In Episode 4 of Career Diaries, David Fischel, CEO of Stereotaxis, shares his thoughts on how to build a successful MedTech company. David talks about his journey from investor to becoming CEO of a leading Medtech company, the impact of MDR on the MedTech startups scene, common mistakes startup founders make and how to avoid them, the future of the MedTech industry and Stereotaxis and building company culture.
STLtoday.com St. Louis Post-Dispatch
March 10, 2020
Medical technology firm Stereotaxis has stabilized revenues this year, and inked two new purchase agreements for its robotic technology systems, the company announced Tuesday. The news comes days after the company said it had received FDA clearance for a redesigned model of its magnetic technology used to treat heart arrhythmia. With the clearance, the company can now start commercializing it in the U.S.
Cath Lab Digest
March 6, 2020
Stereotaxis announced today it has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance of the Genesis RMN® System for the robotic navigation of magnetic ablation catheters to treat heart rhythm disorders. “Genesis is a leap forward in Robotic Magnetic Navigation technology,” said David Fischel, Chairman and CEO.
CTV News Montreal
February 28, 2020
CTV News Anchor, Paul Karwatsky, interviews Dr. Katia Dyrda of Montreal Heart Institute. Dr. Dyrda and Dr. Paul Khairy each recently achieved milestones of treating more than 100 patients using robotic technology from Stereotaxis to treat patients with heart rhythm disorders.
Inside the ICE House
February 24, 2020
Get the robot in here, STAT! Surgery is going digital by leveraging artificial intelligence, telemedicine, and big data to bring cutting edge care to patients across the globe. David Fischel is CEO of Stereotaxis, one of the companies leading this sea change. He dropped by the NYSE to talk about the company’s advancements, including bringing Genesis, a new robotic magnetic navigation technology, to market.
February 4, 2020
Stereotaxis’ launch in June 2019 of a next generation surgical robotic system, Genesis RMN, solidifies its commitment to innovation and collaboration as a stepping stone to improve patient care, enhance physician workflow and enable broad availability of robotic technology in electrophysiology and interventional medicine.
Cheddar Business
January 21, 2020
David Fischel, Chairman and CEO of Stereotaxis, joins Kristen Scholer and Tim Stenovec of Cheddar Business to discuss Robotic Magnetic Navigation and innovation in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders.
New York Stock Exchange
January 21, 2020
The New York Stock Exchange welcomed executives and guests of Stereotaxis (STXS) in celebration of the company’s positive impact on healthcare and recent listing on the NYSE. Honoring the occasion, David Fischel, Chairman & CEO, rings The Opening Bell®.
Cardiac Rhythm News
December 16, 2019
Stereotaxis announced today that HCA Midwest Health has launched a new robotic arrhythmia care programme based at Overland Park Regional Medical Center (OPRMC). Installation of the Stereotaxis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) System was recently completed, and the first patients have been successfully treated using the technology at OPRMC.
November 8, 2019
Stereotaxis and Catheter Precision today announced the first patients have been successfully treated with the integration of Catheter Precision’s VIVO™ arrhythmia localization and Stereotaxis’ Robotic Magnetic Navigation technologies. VIVO uses information commonly collected prior to cardiac procedures to identify the source of dangerously rapid heartbeats
Cardiac Rhythm News
November 7, 2019
Stereotaxis and ADAS 3D Medical have announced that the first patients have been treated with the integration of ADAS 3D’s advanced preoperative substrate mapping and Stereotaxis’ robotic magnetic navigation technologies. ADAS 3D helps identify possible sources of dangerous irregular heartbeats and provides a map to guide physicians in delivering treatment.
Cardiology 2.0
November 6, 2019
Stereotaxis and inHEART today announced the first patients have been successfully treated with the integration of inHEART’s advanced preoperative mapping and Stereotaxis’ Robotic Magnetic Navigation technologies. inHEART applies advanced algorithms on preoperative CT and MRI images to generate highly detailed three-dimensional maps of the heart.
CBS 2 Idaho News
September 20, 2019
Dr. Margot Vloka MD, a cardiac Electrophysiologist at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, has become the first female physician in the world to complete 1,000 procedures using the Stereotaxis Robotic Magnetic Navigation System.
Novosibirsk News, Russia
September 18, 2019
The “mirror” patient was operated on by surgeons at the Meshalkin clinic. She has a very rare congenital anomaly. The heart is like all people, but the vessels seemed to change places. In this case, the liver is on the left, and the spleen is on the right. A year ago, arrhythmia appeared. Robots came to the aid of surgeons.
St. Louis Business Journal
September 18, 2019
St. Louis-based Stereotaxis has promoted Kimberly Peery as its new CFO, effective Oct. 1. Peery is replacing Martin Stammer, who has served as CFO since 2013 at the surgical instrument maker.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
September 15, 2019
Stereotaxis, one of St. Louis’ pioneering medical technology firms, was a troubled company three years ago. Its shares had been delisted by Nasdaq, and debt was preventing the company from updating its once-cutting-edge robotic surgery system.
Yahoo Finance
September 3, 2019
Stereotaxis (STXS), the global leader in innovative robotic technologies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, today announced that its common stock has been approved for listing on the NYSE American. The Company’s common stock will begin trading on the NYSE American exchange under its current symbol, “STXS,” at the open of trading on Sept. 6, 2019.
Robotics Tomorrow
July 5, 2019
Stereotaxis Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) enables physicians to better perform cardiac ablation procedures (the least invasive type of heart surgery) by providing unprecedented catheter precision and stability inside the delicate tissue of a beating heart.
St. Louis Business Journal
June 3, 2019
By: Lea Konczal
When David Fischel first heard of Stereotaxis, it was a company in crisis. Founded in 1990 by researchers who had developed a revolutionary new surgery technique (see sidebars), the firm went public in 2004 and quickly became a medical technology darling.
May 14, 2019
Stereotaxis, a company that has developed robotic magnetic navigation technology to deliver catheters to the heart during ablation procedures, is introducing its latest generation system. The new Stereotaxis Genesis RMN platform features smaller magnets that can rotate around their center of mass…
Cath Lab Digest
May 9, 2019
Stereotaxis and Osypka AG have announced a broad strategic collaboration. Stereotaxis and Osypka are designing and developing a next-generation magnetic ablation catheter to be navigated using Stereotaxis’ robotic technology.
“With robotic cardiac ablation, I have a safer approach to patient care, with greater accuracy than the human hand.”
“Remote magnetic navigation allows me to do what’s most important and focus on the EP aspects of the procedure.”
“With Stereotaxis, we are able to reach anywhere in the heart with more precision and safety.”
“I believe the system is more capable than the human hand and will inevitably replace the manual approach to ablation.”
“The [Stereotaxis] system is extremely safe – perforations are nearly unheard of – and it allows us excellent accuracy and maneuverability.”
“It’s not only safer and more precise, but allows you to think better.”
“With [Stereotaxis], we are able to address all types of arrhythmias – even those not suitable for conventional ablation – safely and effectively.”
“Stereotaxis provides safety, control and more efficient navigation, and complex cases become very easy with magnetic navigation.”
“With Stereotaxis technology, I have the confidence that I’m providing the safest, most advanced therapy for complex arrhythmias.”
“Patient safety AND operator safety. Minimal risk of perforation. Ability to steer more easily to different locations. The [Stereotaxis] system offers it all.”
Stereotaxis is committed to advancing robotics in medicine to enable better patient care. Great advancements require great people. Discover how you can make a difference across the organization and the world of electrophysiology.
Visit our media resources page for all assets available to the media including product images, B-roll footage, and FAQs. For general media inquiries, please contact info@stereotaxis.com.