Atrial Tachycardia


  • Understand what types of arrhythmias the category of atrial tachycardias encompasses.
  • Describe two mechanisms causing atrial tachycardias.
  • Describe the area that most of the atrial tachycardias are found.
  • Describe two difficulties the physician might encounter in ablating in these areas.
  • Describe and identify the location of the crista terminalis.



  • Describe the concept of dual AV nodal physiology.
  • Understand where the reentry loop occurs.
  • Identify the triangle of Koch and its relevance to the ablation.
  • Identify and describe in detail the area the ablation for AVNRT takes place.
  • Describe what rhythm helps determines success during each burn.


Wolff‑Parkinson‑White syndrome


  • Understand the etiology of accessory pathways.
  • Describe where these pathways can be found.
  • Understand the percentage of ablations this arrhythmia represents.
  • How the Kent bundle is associated with WPW.
  • Understand the role of the coronary sinus catheter in WPW.
  • Describe the two changes commonly seen on a surface EKG.
  • Explain changes seen on the surface EKG suggesting a successful ablation.
  • Describe what length of a burn signals a successful ablation or reoccurrence is unlikely.


Atrial Flutter


  • Describe the two types of flutter and features that differentiate them.
  • Describe the location and characteristics of the isthmus, where the ablation for typical flutter takes place.
  • Describe where the ablation lines are placed for typical flutter using appropriate anatomical terms.
  • Describe the concept of the line of block.


Atrial Fibrillation


  • Identify the salient features of a surface EKG of atrial fibrillation.
  • Describe physiologically what is happening during atrial fibrillation.
  • Describe the long-term effects of atrial fibrillation.
  • Describe the current therapeutic treatment of atrial fibrillation.
  • Understand what percentage atrial fibrillation represents in the market place.


Ventricular Tachycardia


  • Identify ventricular tachycardia on the surface EKG.
  • Identify ventricular fibrillation on surface EKG.
  • Understand the different mechanisms of ventricular tachycardia.
  • Understand the problems associated with ablation of ischemic ventricular tachycardia.


Ventricular Fibrillation


  • Understand the mechanism of action of VF.
  • Learn how VF is treated.
  • Identify the hemodynamic effects of VF.

Premature Ventricular Contractions


  • Identify typical sites of origin of PVCs.
  • Define PVC burden.
  • Describe treatments used to control PVCs.



Please take the Arrhythmias Assessment in Dot Compliance